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27/05-02   -   Pressemeldinger

TradeDoubler: 100 million Euros in online sales!

Large increase of online sales for e-commerce companies during 2002

E-commerce is showing positive results in terms of increased sales. Only from TradeDoubler, more than 100 million Euros in online sales will be generated during 2002. With the performance-based model clients only pay advertisers for the results, which leads to cost efficient marketing and sales as well as increased revenue for the clients.

E-commerce in Europe is accelerating and online businesses are experiencing continuously improved results as well as increased revenues. TradeDoubler, the leading provider of solutions for performance-based marketing and sales, continues to generate a substantial amount of revenue for their clients. In total, the generated sales are estimated to as much as 100 million Euros for 2002.

“BooksDirect.co.uk launched an Affiliate Program six months ago, as part of our online marketing activities aimed at acquiring new book club members. Since then, the Program, which is administered by TradeDoubler, has proved to be very successful and has exceeded our expectations. We will continue to develop and grow this successful channel", says Orla Dunne, Interactive New Member Marketing Manager, BCA part of Direct Group Bertelsmann.

The number of transactions generated for the clients, measured as unique visitors, leads and sales have increased by more than 50 % during Q1 2002, compared to last quarter 2001. Compared to one year ago the number of transactions has doubled and today TradeDoubler delivers more than 700 000 unique visitors per day. The conversion rate from click to lead and sales also increases and is today 3.3% on a global basis, which shows the ability to convert traffic into sales and revenue.

Not only merchants, but also the websites delivering the traffic, profit from the increased online sales. TradeDoubler’s payments to affiliates have increased by more than 35 % during the last payment period.

With a continually growing network, comprised of more than 350 merchants and over 300,000 affiliates, TradeDoubler confirms its leading position. The majority of the top 100 portals in Europe are working with TradeDoubler and some of the newly signed customers in Europe are Kodak, 3M, KLM, Club Nokia, Zurich Bank.

For more information contact: Gabriella Stigen, Director marketing and PR, +46 8 40 50 802, +46 709 95 802, gabriella.stigen@tradedoubler.com, or Kari Anne Sellevoll, Country Manager TradeDoubler AS, +47 2240 3536, + 47 9823 5400 www.tradedoubler.com

About TradeDoubler
TradeDoubler began its operations in Sweden in August 1999 and currently has around 350 merchants in Europe and presence in 12 countries.
TradeDoubler provides total solutions for managing performance-based marketing and sales on the Internet. The company has a mix of local and pan-European clients, which include Vodafone, Dell, Compaq, Unicef, Kodak, British Telecom, Active ISP, and eBay.



TradeDoubler AS
Skippergata 14
0152 0152 Oslo, Norge

  2240 3536


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