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07/12-04   -   Pressemeldinger

High Growth in the Nordic Security Product and Services Market, Says IDC

In a series of studies, IDC describes the total market for IT security products and services in 2003 in the four Nordic countries, ranking vendors in each segment and providing forecasts until 2008.

The total market for IT security products and services was worth €583 million 2003. Even though growth didn´t reach previous levels it is still outperforming most other segments in the IT industry, growing at more than 10%.

"Appliances are taking a larger share of the market as many software solutions are replaced by ´easy to install and manage´ hardware," said Nils Molin, a senior analyst at IDC Nordic. "However, as hardware prices are falling rapidly, high unit growth rates are transformed to a more modest growth in revenue."

In software, secure content management continues to grow fast as a response to the ever-increasing flood of viruses, worms, and SPAM that are draining productivity and threatening businesses´ IT-systems.

Services are clearly the largest area today, and over time this will be even more accentuated. The combination of increasing threats, higher complexity, and the emergence of large, trustworthy security services vendors will fuel the growth of managed services, lifting a heavy burden from worried IT managers.

Looking forward, IDC expects the security market to perform better than most other IT segments, and IDC´s 2003–2008 forecast shows a CAGR of between 10% and 20%, depending on the market segment.

The studies, Security Products & Services 2003 Vendor Shares and 2003–2008 Forecast — Denmark (IDC #DK560462L), Norway (IDC #NO560464L), Finland (IDC #FI560463L), and Sweden ((IDC #SE560461L), all published in November 2004, offer five-year forecasts for the Nordic markets.

To purchase these studies, please contact your local IDC office or visit www.idc.com.

About IDC
IDC is the premier global market intelligence and advisory firm in the information technology and telecommunications industries. We analyze and predict technology trends so that our clients can make strategic, fact-based decisions on IT purchases and business strategy. Over 700 IDC analysts in 50 countries provide local expertise and insights on technology markets. Business executives and IT managers have relied for 40 years on our advice to make decisions that contribute to the success of their organizations.

IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world´s leading technology media, research, and events company. Additional information can be found at www.idc.com
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For more information, contact:
Nils Molin
+46(0)8 751 0415



IDC Nordic A/S
Omøgade 8
2100 2100 København Ø, Norge

  +46 8 751 0415


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