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23/02-04   -   Pressmeddelande

Leading Austrian SME Bank chooses ASC to implement VOIP recording in their trading rooms

Vorarlberger Volksbank opts for VoIP in their trading rooms and implements ASC MARATHON VoIP recording solution fully integrated with the IP 3000 innovaphone telephone system.

Founded in 1888, Vorarlberger Volksbank is the second largest cooperative bank in Austria with 250 employees working at 20 branches. The medium sized financial institution has recently consolidated most of its telephone trading operations at two main locations, and, as a consequence, the existing telecommunication strategy had to be reviewed. Faced with the alternative of upgrading the current telephone infrastructure, the bank has chosen to adopt VoIP as a more cost-effective, future-proof and flexible solution for the expanded network. A key requisite of the new IP-based solution is to provide the recording of selected calls for verification purposes, an absolute must for the smooth running of the business. Vorarlberger Volksbank requires up to 2,800 hours of on-line calls availability coupled with 7 years archiving capability for legal compliance, hence the need for a proven and reliable VoIP communications recording solution.

The bank has chosen ASC MARATHON VoIP Collector for innovaphone to provide its traders with the ability to record on-demand specific calls by simply pressing a button on their telephone keypad. The user can also decide whether to keep or discard the recording at the end of the conversation. Calls can then be retrieved immediately on-line at any point in time from any location through the MARATHON WEB PLAYER browser-based search and replay engine. Each call is tagged with additional call information such as trader identification number for a swift retrieval and consequent immediate resolution of queries and potential disputes.

“We selected ASC and innovaphone because they presented us with the best cost effective, fully integrated plug-and-play VoIP solution, ideal for small and medium enterprises like ours" commented Martin Mangeng, Network Administrator at Vorarlberger Volksbank. “I personally installed MARATHON VoIP Collector in less than 10 minutes by simply following the step-by-step instructions from the on-line installation menu and it worked at once. I was amazed."

MARATHON VoIP Collector is an entirely software-based communications recording solution that does not require any proprietary hardware. The bank has installed MARATHON VoIP Collector on two of their existing standard PCs, one at each trading location. Both ASC and innovaphone solutions have been installed seamlessly on Vorarlberger Volksbank’s existing network. Archiving capability is fully provided within the software along with the tagging of calls with additional call information.

MARATHON VoIP Collector’s unique layered architecture has been conceived to provide maximum flexibility, reliability and scalability allowing for the design of a tailored communication recording solution that can cater for selective, record-on-demand, rules based and total recording. MARATHON VoIP solution perfectly fits any requirements for organisations that are considering the adoption of VoIP, whether they are setting up a “pure" IP-based infrastructure or planning a smooth transition path through “hybrid" architectures.

About ASC
ASC, headquartered in Hösbach, Germany, is a leading global provider of integrated communications recording and quality monitoring solutions for contact centers, financial institutions, public safety and government organizations, with nearly 40 years experience in the communications industry. ASC has over 20,000 installations in more than 60 countries.
Focused on quality, liability and risk management, ASC’s communications recording solutions provide recording, evaluation and analysis of all electronic communication and interaction of telephone (including VoIP), fax, e-mail, web chat/ browsing and desktop computer activity in both traditional and Web based environments.
ASC’s quality monitoring solutions effectively capture, evaluate and improve the performance of contact center interactions and the quality of the entire customer experience. The browser-based products are easy to access, use and deploy and increase productivity and customer loyalty while decreasing staff turnover, customer defections and security risks.



innovaphone nordic AB
Kaserngatan 24
57535 57535 Eksjö, Sverige

  0381 17400


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