Få ditt eget pressrum

Få ditt eget pressrum
30/09-04   -   Pressmeddelande

Over 500 Delegates Attend IDCs European IT Forum on Dynamic IT

More than 500 attendees were present at IDC´s 14th annual European IT Forum, which closed in Paris on Tuesday evening. This year at the European IT Forum much discussion revolved around the question raised in a provocative book by Nicholas Carr entitled Does IT Matter?

The answer is "yes" — as long as the IT is designed and implemented to help companies react much more quickly to changing business conditions. This requires a new approach to IT, which IDC calls Dynamic IT, that replaces hardwired point solution products with pools of shared resources.

"As the decade wears on, it will be imperative for organizations to deploy Dynamic IT in order simply to deal with the explosion of new applications that will arise out of digital convergence," said IDC´s chief research officer, John Gantz. Gantz pointed out that over the next 10 years, the number of devices communicating over networks will grow tenfold — and most of them won´t be computers. They will be Web-enabled cell phones, communicating entertainment devices, Internet phones, and even toys and appliances. A little later they will include trillions of tags and sensors.

"As the network edge expands," said Gantz, "the center of the network, the datacenter, will have to change dramatically as well. This will drive a new boom in IT investment around the turn of the decade." Until this time, Europe can look forward to a period of modest but stable and diversified growth in IT investment. This is certainly a much improved outlook from that of the last three years.

Additionally, IDC surveyed the attendees at the conference on the key IT trends in a project managed by Duncan Brown, consulting director of IDC UK. The full results of the survey will be published in a forthcoming study. Early indications show that Dynamic IT is high on the agenda of Europe´s CEOs, while there is also an increasing trend towards IP telephony.

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IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world´s leading technology media, research, and events company. Additional information can be found at www.idc.com
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For more information:
Mathew Heath
+44 20 8987 7107



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