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27/05-11   -   Pressemeddelelse

Fleksibel data-administration med ny ETERNUS DX Disk Storage

Fujitsu lancerer nu på verdensplan anden generation af disk-storage-systemet ETERNUS DX.

At håndtere væksten af virksomhedens kritiske data er én af de største it-udfordringer for virksomheder i dag. I takt med at data er blevet virksomhedens valuta, skal storage-infrastrukturen kunne følge med denne udvikling. Fujitsus ETERNUS storage-løsninger er udviklet til at kunne håndtere den hurtige og potentielt uventede vækst, som ofte opstår.

Baseret på konceptet 'Flexible Data Safe', sikrer ETERNUS DX S2-storagesystemet en fleksibel løsning til alle brugerscenarier i små, store, traditionelle samt cloudbaserede miljøer og leverer samtidig det højeste niveau for datasikkerhed.

Læs hele pressemeddelelsen i den engelske tekst herunder.

Om Fujitsu
Fujitsu er en af verdens førende leverandører af it-baserede forretningsløsninger til det globale marked. Med cirka 170.000 ansatte i mere end 70 lande, heraf cirka 400 i Danmark, kombinerer Fujitsu et globalt korps af system- og serviceeksperter og lokalkendskab med meget pålidelige it- og kommunikationsprodukter og avanceret mikroelektronik for at skabe en merværdi for kunderne.

Fujitsu Limited er japansk ejet og havde i det regnskabsår, der afsluttedes den 31. marts 2011, en konsolideret omsætning på 55 mia. US$.

For mere information, se venligst: www.fujitsu.com og www.fujitsu.dk


Tokyo, May 25, 2011 - Fujitsu today announces worldwide availability from June 1, 2011 of the second generation of its ETERNUS DX disk storage systems called ETERNUS DX S2, with the extension of Fujitsu's "˜Flexible Data Safe' concept for unlimited data growth and rock solid data protection.

Managing the growth in business critical data is one of the major IT challenges for organizations in the digital age. With data becoming the currency of business, storage infrastructure must keep pace with this development. Under its "˜Flexible Data Safe' concept, Fujitsu ETERNUS storage systems have been enhanced to manage the rapid and potentially unexpected growth that will occur in a fully digitized society.

Fujitsu also offers organizations the assurance that their disk-based storage systems will deliver on the highest business continuity and data integrity requirements, while eliminating performance and bandwidth bottlenecks. Importantly, ETERNUS systems are efficient in energy consumption, minimize floor space and simplify management, while delivering the flexibility for future capacity growth.

Under the banner of the 'Flexible Data Safe' concept, Fujitsu launches the new ETERNUS DX S2 disk storage systems to keep all data assets safe and to deliver the flexibility to meet the key requirements of current and future enterprise needs:

Flexible data management is at the heart of the new generation. Unified management, provided by new ETERNUS SF software, controls the whole ETERNUS DX disk storage family, further reducing administration effort and maximizing efficient operation. A flexible mix or exchange of models within the product family can be conducted at a minimized cost of change. The fastest disk storage system(*1) has now been designed to become even faster in terms of throughput and I/O performance to ensure flexible scalability for future requirements. Green storage functionality minimizes power consumption and lowers floor-space requirements, while increasing the flexibility to position systems within data centers that are already tightly packed. Compatibility and integration with virtualization standards allow a seamless integration into the latest server landscapes.
Enterprise-proven Data Safety capabilities ensure business continuity at an affordable price, even for smaller businesses. Data safety is guaranteed thanks to built-in data integrity such as pre-emptive detection and elimination of hardware failures, as well as system cross-checks. To protect sensitive data from unauthorized access even at the end of the system's lifetime, for example during recycling, encryption technologies are an integrated part of the system architecture.

"Businesses of all sizes need to be able to trust that their IT purchases solve today's problems, while being well positioned to meet tomorrow's challenges," said Kazuhiro Igarashi, President of the Storage Systems Unit, Fujitsu Limited. "Based on the "˜Flexible Data Safe' concept, ETERNUS DX S2 disk storage systems provide a flexible solution for all usage scenarios in small, large, traditional and cloud based environments and deliver the highest levels of data safety."

For customers looking at the bigger picture, ETERNUS DX S2 fits into Fujitsu's extensive IT infrastructure portfolio and Cloud portfolio which offers holistic and certified solutions built using servers, storage devices, networking, software and services. ETERNUS DX S2 helps customers answer tomorrow's questions today by providing business continuity, powerful applications, ease of management, and growth - whatever the business scenario.

For further information on ETERNUS DX disk storage systems, please see: http://www.fujitsu.com/eternus/

Glossary and Notes

1. The previous generation of ETERNUS DX was already the world's fastest dual controller mid-range disk storage system, with the world's best price/performance ratio (SPC-1 Benchmark, April 2010 from the Storage Performance Council). For future-proof support of highest storage performance requirements, especially in dynamic and virtualized infrastructures, this next generation ETERNUS DX S2 exceeds the excellent marks of the previous generation and offers innovative enhancements for further performance enhancement.

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Fujitsu A/S
Lautrupbjerg 9
2750 Ballerup, Danmark

  +45 50 83 62 01
  +45 50 83 62 01


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