Nokia tilpasser arbejdsstyrke og udviklingsafdelinger til sin nye strategi
Som led i eksekveringen af sin nye strategi offentliggør Nokia i dag planer om at tilpasse sin globale arbejdsstyrke samt at sammenlægge en række udviklingsafdelinger. Disse tiltag er et led i Nokias mål om at reducere sine driftsomkostninger med 1 milliard euro for 2013 sammenlignet med 2010 - et mål, der blev meldt ud i sidste uge. Størstedelen af reduktionerne vil finde sted i Danmark, Finland og Storbritannien.
Som konsekvens af sammenlægningerne planlægger Nokia at lukke sin udviklingsafdeling i København inden udgangen af 2012, hvilket vil berøre ca. 950 medarbejdere. Aktiviteterne i den danske udviklingsafdeling vil blive gradvist nedtrappet, og alle berørte medarbejdere vil blive tilbudt fortsat ansættelse indtil udgangen af 2011. Nokias danske salgs- og marketingorganisation vil fortsat være placeret i København.
For at støtte de berørte medarbejdere i deres søgning efter nye udfordringer vil Nokia etablere et såkaldt Bridge-program i København. Via dette program vil medarbejderne blive tilbudt at benytte sig af en række muligheder inden for såvel traditionel karriererådgivning og uddannelse som støtte til opstart af iværksættervirksomhed.
Der er yderligere information i nedenstående engelsksprogede fondsbørsmeddelelse fra Nokia. Læs også om aftalen med Accenture via dette link.
For kommentarer fra Nokia i Danmark vedrørende dagens offentliggørelse, kontakt da venligst Nokias kommunikations-partner Mannov v. Rikke Sternberg på tlf. 27 15 70 29.
Nokia starts measures to align workforce and site operations with new strategy
Published April 27, 2011
Nokia Corporation
Stock exchange release
April 27, 2011 at 11.15 (CET +1)
Espoo, Finland - To deliver on its new strategy, Nokia today announced plans to align its global workforce and consolidate site operations. These measures are part of Nokia's target to reduce its Devices & Services non-IFRS operating expenses by 1 billion euros for the full year 2013 in comparison to the full year 2010, as announced last week.
Earlier today, Nokia announced plans to form a strategic collaboration with Accenture that would result in the transfer of Nokia's Symbian software activites, including about 3,000 employees to Accenture. In addition, Nokia also plans to reduce its global workforce by about 4,000 employees by the end of 2012, with the majority of reductions in Denmark, Finland and the UK. In accordance with country-by-country legal requirements, discussions with employee representatives started today.
Nokia also plans to consolidate the company's research and product development sites so that each site has a clear role and mission. Nokia expects the expansion of some sites and the contraction or closure of others.
As a consequence of its site consolidation efforts, in which it plans to concentrate activities at fewer sites, located closer to key suppliers, Nokia plans to close its R&D site in Copenhagen. Activities at the site will be ramped down in phases, affecting about 950 employees. All affected personnel will have the opportunity to remain employed until the end of 2011 to allow for extra time to look for new opportunities. To support re-employment, Nokia is taking a proactive approach, investing time, money and expertise into the establishment of a Bridge program, which will offer a wide range of possibilities from traditional individual re-employment support, re-training, and entrepreneurship. A Bridge center will be established in Copenhagen to help those employees impacted by the workforce allignment.
Nokia's Danish sales & marketing organisation will continue to operate from Copenhagen.
All employees affected by the reduction plans can stay on the Nokia payroll through the end of 2011. Nokia expects personnel reductions to occur in phases until the end of 2012, linked to the roll-out of Nokia's planned product and services portfolio. During this period, Nokia intends to ramp up its capacity for the development of Nokia smartphones based on the Windows Phone platform, the company's broad range of mobile phones and its services portfolio.
"At Nokia, we have new clarity around our path forward, which is focused on our leadership across smart devices, mobile phones and future disruptions," said Stephen Elop, Nokia president and CEO. "However, with this new focus, we also will face reductions in our workforce. This is a difficult reality, and we are working closely with our employees and partners to identify long-term re-employment programs for the talented people of Nokia."
Nokia is launching a comprehensive social responsibility program for employees and the communities likely to be affected by the personnel reductions. The program will be led locally, with local partners and stakeholders, and senior management support.
"We are offering those who are losing their jobs a range of options, from individual re-employment support and re-training to making investments to promote innovation and working with a variety of partners to create new opportunities," Elop continued.
Om Nokia
I Nokia er vores mål og drivkraft at forbinde mennesker. Vi kombinerer avanceret teknologi med personaliserede tjenester, som gør det muligt for folk at være tæt på dét, der betyder noget for dem. Hver dag er 1,3 milliarder mennesker i forbindelse med hinanden via en Nokia-enhed - det er alt fra almindelige mobiltelefoner til avancerede smartphones og mobile computere med stor ydeevne. I dag integrerer Nokia sine enheder med innovative tjenester gennem Ovi (www.ovi.com), inklusive musik, kort, apps, e-mail og meget andet. Nokias NAVTEQ er førende inden for omfattende digitale kort og navigationstjenester, mens Nokia Siemens Networks er global leverandør af udstyr, serviceydelser og løsninger til kommunikationsnetværk.
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