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28/10-11   -   Pressemeddelelse

Lifespire Inc partners with Team Online

Lifespire, Inc. partners with Denmark's Team Online to Improve Service Efficiencies and Care for the Developmentally Disabled.

Denmark's Team Online and New York's Lifespire, Inc. are partnering to optimize technology to help provide greater efficiencies and improved care to individuals with developmental disabilities.

The TRH the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark will inaugurate the partnership between Team Online and Lifespire, Inc., on October 24th, at 9:00 AM at Lifespire's Manhattan North Comprehensive Support Center located at 159 East 125th Street in New York City.

Lifespire, Inc. is a nonprofit organization who for the last 60 years has been dedicated to helping developmentally disabled individuals by providing a full range of services. As part of Lifespire's Partnership, the organization will test Team Online's Bosted system and recommend changes designed to help launch the Danish system in New York State and the US overall.

The Bosted System is a user friendly IT solution that can improve and support the daily routines of care providers and their organizations. The system is designed to streamline documentation and impact measurements of services and is the result of over ten years of user-driven innovation.

Since Lifespire is one of the largest service providers in New York with a proven track record of developing IT solutions, the testing and deployment of this new technology will help improve efficiencies within the orgnaization, and make available more time for staff to spend with the individuals they serve.

The inauguration of the Bosted System at Lifespire Inc. is part of the Creative and Healthy for Life export promotion launched by the Consulate General of Denmark in New York. The export promotion is a key component of the Connected Health Symposium in Boston, where the leading Danish health and social care IT solutions will be presented to more than 1,200 health technology leaders world-wide.

Continuously looking to expand and improve the way services are provided to the developmentally disabled, Lifespire's commitment to excellence continues to resonate throughout the communities they serve and beyond.

To read more about the Bosted System or Lifespire, Inc., log onto www.lifespire.org.

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EG Team Online A/S
Edisonsvej 2
5000 Odense C, Danmark

  66 17 73 13
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