V.I.P. gæster til Ligas IT Security Week
Avira stiller an med det store skyts på onsdag, hvor dagens program handler om anitvirus: Den tyske producent har inviteret gæster fra Compass Security AG - det førende schweiziske firma inden for penetrationstest.
Det bliver med andre ord et stærkt hold, som deltagerne på Ligas IT Security Week får lov at opleve, når det går løs med oplæg og live demoer af antivirus i Ligas lokaler på indre Nørrebro.
Arrangementet er gratis, men tilmelding tilrådes, da der serveres frokostbuffet for alle deltagere - og for at sikre, at der er plads til de enkelte sessioner.
Compass Security AG is the leading Swiss Penetration Testing company.
The company was founded in 1999, specialising in security assessments for the confidentiality, availability and integrity of corporate data.
With penetration tests, ethical hacking and reviews, Compass preventatively assesses ICT solutions in respect of security risks, detects existing weaknesses and supports the customers in their elimination.
This Wednesday they will give a view of their capabilities and their knowledge.
Wednesday's agenda:
9:00 - 12:00 - Guido Wilfer, Avira: "Antivirus - a business critical matter"
Sascha Herzog from Compass Security, 30 minutes: "TITEL: Cyber Underground"
13:00 - 16:00 - Daniel Prauser, Avira: "Behind the scenes, real world antivirus"
Compass Security will do the technical part including live hacking for about an hour
"TITEL: Direct and Indirect Network Attacks - Live Hacking"
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