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11/05-11   -   Pressemeddelelse

HP FlexNetwork Architecture framtidssäkrar företagens nätverk

HP lanserar idag HP FlexNetwork arkitekturen, branschens enda enade nätverksstruktur för företag som söker utnyttja kraften av omfattande medieinnehåll, virtualisering, mobilitet och molnlösningar genom hela datacentret.

Den nya arkitekturen ökar flexibiliteten i IT-infrastrukturen och låter företag fokusera på innovation. Genom att möjliggöra implementering av lösningar baserade på modulära byggnadsblock och en öppen branschstandard låter den nya arkitekturen även företagen undvika att låsa sig vid en leverantör.
Den nya arkitekturen enar nätverken i datacentret och säkerställer därmed kontinuitet, säkerhet och prestanda. HP lanserade även idag flertalet nya lösningar baserat på HP FlexNetwork-arkitekturen.

HP FlexNetwork-arkitekturen utgör en nyckelkomponent i HP Converged Infrastructure genom att förena separata nätverksilos, vilket möjliggörs genom att protokoll är konsekvent implementerade i alla nätverksmoduler i hela företaget. Genom detta bidrar HP FlexNetwork-arkitekturen till ökad prestanda och flexibilitet i hela datacentret

"I takt med att allt mer trafik flyttar ut i trådlösa nätverk ökar kraven på nätverksarkitekturen. Detta i kombination med den snabba utvecklingen av informationsintensiva och prestandakrävande applikationer, gör att företagen behöver se över hur väl nätverksstrukturen faktiskt motsvarar framtida behov", säger Lars-Erik Jansten, Sverigechef HP Nätverk.

Ytterligare information
Single-vendor, proprietary approaches, such as Cisco’s, lock in customers while driving up cost and complexity with different architectures required at each point in the network, including data center, campus and branch. This lack of convergence and increased complexity make it difficult to roll out new applications and services.(1)

The HP FlexNetwork architecture transforms legacy networks through convergence and simplification, enabling organizations to deliver innovation, speed and performance. The new level of flexibility from the HP FlexNetwork architecture enables clients to focus on preparing their organizations for the demands of the future.

“To ensure success and a competitive advantage, enterprises need to shift resources from maintenance of complex legacy networks to innovation," said Marius Haas, senior vice president and general manager, Networking, HP. “With the HP FlexNetwork architecture, we deliver standards-based solutions that allow clients to bring existing network investments forward, reducing total cost of ownership today while preparing organizations to embrace the future."

The FlexNetwork architecture
The HP FlexNetwork architecture unifies the network through three modular building blocks that share a common management layer.

— FlexFabric – simplifies data center infrastructure with converged network, compute and storage resources across both virtual and physical environments to accommodate hybrid cloud computing models.

— FlexCampus – improves performance, lowers latency and increases security for identity-based access of multimedia content across converged wired and wireless networks.

— FlexBranch – extends and simplifies network and security at the branch, integrating best-of-breed technologies for service delivery.

— FlexManagement – eliminates the complexity of multiple management systems with single-pane-of-glass management across the HP FlexNetwork architecture.

The HP FlexNetwork architecture is open, adhering to standards across the modular building blocks that make up the architecture. It also is scalable from the remote site to the data center, with industry-leading vulnerability detection that automatically builds standard security policies consistently into the virtual and physical infrastructure.

Making the move to the HP FlexNetwork architecture
HP Technology Services offerings can help clients migrate from proprietary legacy networks to the HP FlexNetwork architecture and for moving off proprietary network protocols like Cisco’s EIGRP, to standard routing protocols OSPF v2 and v3.

Additionally, new networking services are now available for key business initiatives including video collaboration, network security and FlexManagement. HP also offers a complete set of lifecycle services for each modular building block to support the planning, design, implementation and operation of enterprise networks.

HP at Interop Las Vegas 2011
Dave Donatelli, executive vice president and general manager, Enterprise Servers, Storage and Networking, HP, and Haas will lead a live press conference at 11 a.m. PT today. Watch the conference and access a replay of it at www.hp.com/go/change2flex.

HP will be demonstrating its networking products and services at Interop Las Vegas 2011, May 10-12 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in booth 1327. HP Networking is powering the InteropNet, a multivendor, high-speed network that serves the exhibitors, conference rooms and attendees at the event.

Donatelli will deliver the show’s opening keynote address at 8 a.m. PT on Tuesday, May 10, at Mandalay Bay H. Watch the live webcast at http://tv.interop.com/.

More information about the HP FlexNetwork architecture is available from HP sales representatives. More information about HP Networking solutions is available at www.hp.com/networking.
HP Converged Infrastructure is key to an Instant-On Enterprise. In a world of continuous connectivity, the Instant-On Enterprise embeds technology in everything it does to serve customers, employees, partners and citizens with whatever they need, instantly.

HP’s premier client event, HP DISCOVER, takes place June 6 - 10 in Las Vegas and Nov. 29 - Dec. 1 in Vienna, Austria. The event showcases how organizations can get started on their Instant-On Enterprise journeys.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Lars-Erik Jansten Sverigechef HP Nätverk, tel: 08-524 97 922
Gunilla Lundqvist, informationschef, HP Sverige, tel: 08-524 90 400

HP skapar nya möjligheter för tekniken att ge en meningsfull och positiv inverkan på människor, företag, myndigheter och samhälle. Som världens största teknikföretag erbjuder HP ett utbud som spänner över utskrifts- och datorprodukter, mjukvara, tjänster och it-infrastruktur. Genom att kombinera molnet med anslutningsmöjligheter skapar HP säkra, situationsanpassade upplevelser för en uppkopplad värld. Mer information om HP (NYSE: HPQ) finns på http://www.hp.com.

(1) Based on HP internal testing.
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Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB

169 85 STOCKHOLM, Sverige

  08-524 97 922

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