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22/08-11   -   Pressemeddelelse

Symbian Anna nu tillgänglig för nedladdning

Från och med idag är det möjligt att ladda ned den senaste mjukvaruuppdateringen för Symbianbaserade smartphones – Symbian Anna. Symbian Anna innebär ett rejält lyft vad gäller användarupplevelsen för dig som äger en Nokia N8, Nokia C7, Nokia C6-01, eller Nokia E7. En förbättrad browser, utökad säkerhet, uppgradering av Nokia Maps och ett nytt gränssnitt är bara några av de nyheter som Symbian Anna medför.

Nokia rekommenderar att uppdateringen genomförs via en dator med hjälp av programmet Nokia Ovi Suite. Innan man uppdaterar via Nokia Ovi Suite bör man säkra sitt innehåll(bilder, meddelanden, musik etc.) med en backup, då denna information annars kommer att gå förlorad genom denna metod. Det är också möjligt att genomföra uppdateringen genom FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air) men mjukvaruuppdateringen är så pass stor och processen görs med fördel via Nokia Ovi Suite.

Symbian Anna now available for download

Espoo, Finland – Symbian Anna - the latest software update for Symbian smartphones - is available for download starting today*.

Symbian Anna significantly enhances the user experience on the Nokia N8, Nokia C7, Nokia C6-01 and Nokia E7. A new user interface, virtual QWERTY keypad in portrait mode, split-screen messaging, enhanced Nokia Maps, better web browsing and stronger security are just a few of the improvements that people will be able to enjoy. Symbian Anna can be downloaded using the latest version of Ovi Suite (version 3.1.1) on a PC, or over-the-air directly to your smartphone**.

“Nokia’s Symbian smartphones are used by millions of people around the world every day, addressing specific consumer needs and providing choices at many price points," said Ilari Nurmi, Vice President at Nokia. “Symbian Anna represents a significant update to the experience those users have and demonstrates our ongoing commitment to Symbian, which will see up to 10 more phones introduced over the next 12 months, further updates to the user experience and support for the software until at least 2016."

Key features with Symbian Anna:

- User interface: Symbian Anna brings a fresh new look and feel to the Nokia N8, Nokia C7, Nokia C6-01 and Nokia E7 with crisp icons and multiple usability enhancements. Typing on the touchscreen is much easier with a split screen, so you can see message threads, webpages, contacts or email view while typing on the virtual QWERTY keypad – now also available in portrait mode.

- Maps and navigation: Symbian Anna enhances Nokia Maps with better search functionality, new public transportation routes and the ability to check-in to favorite geo-social network sites like Facebook, Foursquare and Twitter

- Browsing: A faster, easier-to-use browser, delivering quicker page loads and improved device navigation allowing people to connect more easily to their favorite sites on the go.

- Better for business: Symbian Anna brings true business-grade security with improved data encryption on Nokia smartphones. Business users with a Nokia N8, Nokia C7, Nokia C6-01 or Nokia E7 can now easily and securely access their company intranet with IPSEC and SSL VPN enablers.

- Near Field Communications (NFC): The Symbian Anna software update also activates the NFC hardware in the Nokia C7, so people can now simply tap their Nokia C7s together to share contacts, photos, videos and play games; easily pair with NFC-enabled accessories from Nokia and others; and read NFC tags to check-in and more

*The precise rollout schedule of the Symbian Anna software update varies from market to market.

**Method of delivery of the software update differs from market to market and operator to operator.

Notes to editors:

Symbian Anna key features:

- Virtual portrait QWERTY for fast, one handed typing

- Split screen view while typing; so you can see message threads, webpages, contacts or email

- An easier to use and faster browser, delivering quicker page loads and improved navigation

- Refreshed Nokia Maps including simpler search, new public transportation routes and the ability to check-in to Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or local social networks

- A feature to share your location via email and SMS (even to non-Nokia phones)

Features for business users:

- Instant messaging and presence with Microsoft Communicator Mobile

- E-mail enhancements including full meeting request support

- True business grade security with hardware accelerated encryption

- Easy and secure intranet access for business users who want to access their company intranet

Features for developers:

- Flashlite 4

- Java Runtime 2.2

- Qt Mobility 1.1

- Qt4.7

Om Nokia

Nokia strävar efter att föra människor närmare varandra. Vi kombinerar avancerad teknologi med personanpassade tjänster som gör det möjligt för människor att vara nära det som betyder mest för dem. Varje dag kommunicerar mer än 1,3 miljarder människor med varandra med en mobiltelefon, smartphone eller mobil dator från Nokia. Nokia integrerar idag sina produkter med företagets innovativa tjänster genom Ovi (www.ovi.com). Det handlar om tjänster inom musik, kartor, applikationer, e-post med mera. Nokias NAVTEQ är en ledare när det gäller digitala kart- och navigationstjänster och Nokia Siemens Networks erbjuder utrustning, tjänster och lösningar för kommunikationsnätverk över hela världen.



Nokia Svenska AB
Box 1113, Torshamnsgatan 20
164 22 KISTA, Sverige

  709 93 83 94

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