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24/04-14   -   Pressemeddelelse

Experience as a foreign entrepreneur

Evolution 9 presented the topic "Experience as a foreign entrepreneur" at an event organized by Municipality of Frederiksberg

The event took place on 27th February in a cozy Cafe. Municipality of Frederiksberg invited around 30 participants by selecting from various groups.
Vipul Nandanyia, from Evolution 9 was happy to be one of the speakers of the event, together with Jean Luc from Danish Business Center and Diana Medrea-Mogensen from BakingWithLove.

Sharing his story as an entrepreneur, Vipul outlined many important aspects while running a business on a foreign land. When Vipul came to Denmark in 2012, initially he worked few months for Dell. His dream was always to be an entrepreneur and he found Denmark a good platform to start with. Being new, not knowing the language and not having any network, he has faced many challenges. During his journey, he has managed to overcome the barriers by applying various strategies and he is always happy to share this with others.

As a foreign entrepreneur, there are many important factors that can help you to integrate into the market. Some of the factors that Vipul have spoken are: cultural understandings, language, trust building.

When it comes to advices on how to be successful in this market, he said:
"You have 3 D that must be taken into consideration when you want to succeed in your professional career: Dream - Dare - Deliver. Everything starts with a DREAM, right? So DARE, dare to dream, but most important, dare to make your wishes come true..Because what else is more beautiful than to give all your best and deliver the best products/services that you can create?

Be present in the right business market. You have to make sure that you are situated in a place where your business fits so you can have the opportunity to grow and prosper in a short time.
Connections,connections,connections. It is very true that you have no connections when you come to a new market, but you have to give your best to change that. Be active. Try to be present at as many events as you can, talk to people and be open to collaborate. Meetup (www.meetup.com) is also a good opportunity in this way.

Identify your support network. Find the people that can help and support you to fulfill your goals. Keep them close and try to learn as much as you can from the ones that have the experience that you are missing in that moment.

First come learning, than earning. Be ready to work without profit. Of course we all want to see material results as soon as possible when we start up a business, but patience and a good strategy can be more helpful than you imagine. My strategy was to create a portfolio with references, even if in the beginning I worked almost for no money. That helped me to gain credibility, but also an experience. "


Vipul Nandaniya
  +45 71 88 89 54


Evolution 9 UK
Borupvang 2C
2750, Ballerup, England

  +45 71 88 89 54
  +45 71 88 89 54


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