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25/03-14   -   Pressemeddelelse

Evaluation Report - Exercise Barents Rescue 2013

The evaluation report of exercise Barents Rescue 2013 presents the lessons identified during this exercise. The risk of a large, destructive rockslide in Troms formed the scenario backdrop as the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection hosted the exercise in September 2013. Rescue teams from Sweden, Finland, Russia and Norway worked together in response to the challenges that this exercise presented.

A main challenge in the Barents Region is that the communities are relatively small with long distances between them, limited availability of rescue resources, and limited experience with handling large and complex incidents. Findings from observations and the participants' own evaluations show there is a need for training to be better prepared. The need for training is even stronger when the actors have to interact with foreign resources.

Through the planning process and implementation of the exercise, participants have established good personal networks, and have improved their familiarity with plans and resource use. However, there is room for improvement in the planning process, especially when it comes to more clearly determining, in advance, the form and content of the planning conferences.

The exercise promoted cooperation between various authorities in the Barents Region, in addition to authorities at national and international levels. The exercise showed that many resources are available, and involvement and efforts are strong, but it can be concluded that there are still challenges within the exchange of information and coordination. There is still a way to go when it comes to horizontal and vertical communication at strategic, operative and tactical levels.


  33 41 25 00


DSB - Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap
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3115 Tønsberg, Norge

  33 41 25 00

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