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13/10-14   -   Pressemeddelelse

Digital expert from world largest publisher joins Danish e-book success story

Leading digital expert Nathan Hull from the world's largest trade publisher, Penguin Random House, joins Danish e-book success Mofibo as Chief Business Development Officer, where he is going to predict as well as create the digital future.

For the past four years London-based Nathan Hull has been a leading voice as Penguin's Digital Development Director, working with all aspects of business, marketing and digital innovation. Before that Nathan was at Universal Music overseeing digital strategy for major artists and planning the company's strategy for new initiatives such as streaming and subscription.

But from December 1st 2014 Nathan Hull's business card will say Chief Business Development Officer at Mofibo - a young Danish e-book company, which has already achieved great success.

"Mofibo are outstanding in their field and easily the best start-up I've ever encountered in my time at Penguin. I have always worked for the biggest and the best and for brands that become household names - and in Mofibo I see the same, so I want to be an integral part of making that happen," says Nathan.

Mofibo started in 2013, when only 3-4 % of the Danes were reading e-books. Today the number is 13-14 %, and Mofibo has thousands of readers, a million read pages every day and an e-book market share of 60%.
Nathan joins the company at a time of change and expansion. Last week Mofibo expanded to the neighbours in Sweden with 10 of the largest publishers on board, and this week a collaboration with the leading publisher Simon & Schuster made thousands of English titles available to Mofibo's readers.

Subscription is the future
"We are very happy to have Nathan Hull on the Mofibo team. Nathan is extremely innovative and has a clear view on how the future of reading should look. With his experienced background he will be a great help in securing strong relationships with the publishers, and furthermore I am sure that Nathan will play an important role in Mofibo becoming a leading player in the future of reading," says Danish entrepreneur and founder of Mofibo Morten Strunge.
"Our vision is to redefine the way we consume books and take it to the next level in order to make books more accessible to everybody. Nathan is the right person for that job."

Nathan Hull's new job will contain many aspects of both business and digital development. Mofibo's founder Morten Strunge has recently stated that Mofibo is looking towards the UK as the next foreign market, and Nathan will obviously be a natural part in this future development. Another area that will decidedly have his attention is the business of subscription services, which he very much predicts to be the future in the world of publishing.

"Subscription services are the hottest topic in publishing at present, so it is an incredibly exciting time to join a company I believe will be a game-changer for the publishers, authors and readers. My time at Penguin has taught me many things, not least, the power of the story. Mofibo hast the capacity to take those stories into the hands and hearts of people like never before."

About Mofibo
Mofibo is a Danish company established in 2013, who was the first to offer unlimited e-book reading to the Danes. Mofibo offers books to readers of all ages and is accessible from smartphones and tablet. Mofibo can also be accessed from abroad and has recently launched in Sweden.

With a Mofibo subscription you have access to more than 20,000 book titles. The first two weeks are free.


Louise Hagemann


Rathschaksvej 1, 3.sal
1862 Frederiksberg C, England

  +45 24 24 09 47


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