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Otiom A/S og Acubit A/S forbereder vækstrejse i 2021 med ny ejer struktur

26-01-21 - Pressemeddelelse
2020 har været et udfordrende år for fleste danske virksomheder. Det gælder også de to Aalborgensiske Velfærdsteknologi virksomheder Otiom og Acubit.

Direktørskifte hos Otiom

05-10-20 - Pressemeddelelse
Efter tre år som direktør hos Otiom har Kim Bejstrup Poulsen valgt at fratræde sin stilling i virksomheden. Han afløses af Thomas Pedersen, som har været med i Otiom siden selskabets start, hvor han har ledet den tekniske og strategiske udvikling af Otiom-løsningen.

Seneste billeder


Maja Lyng
  3696 1010
Thomas Pedersen
Adm. direktør
  +45 2542 2960


Localisation device that prevents people with dementia from becoming lost - For nursing homes and private individuals.

It is estimated that half of all people suffering from dementia wander and get lost due to their condition.

No one should have to live with that.

Otiom is designed and made in Denmark, so as to ensure that it meets the quality and functional expectations of European aged care providers and their communities.

Otiom is the considerate solution that offers freedom for caregivers, relatives and people with dementia. At the same time, it ensures that if the person gets lost they will be found and returned quickly and safely, without distress for anyone involved.

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