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15/05-06   -   Press releases

Electronic Personal Health Records Come of Age: Special Supplement to American Journal of Medical Quality explores Personal Health Records

San Mateo, CA, May 15, 2006 – A special supplement to the May/June issue of the American Journal of Medical Quality (AJMQ) entitled “Electronic Personal Health Records Come of Age" provides a detailed explanation of Personal Health Records (PHRs) citing InterComponentWare’s (ICW) PHR LifeSensor® and includes contributions from eHealth industry leaders and the Department of Health Policy faculty at Jefferson Medical College. It is anticipated that the AJMQ supplement will generate serious discussions about the use and functionalities of current PHR technology and the fuller potential and benefits of implementing PHRs with interoperable capabilities.

“We have chosen ICW and its LifeSensor PHR as the focus of the supplement, because it is a fine example of an internationally implemented system with great functionality", says David B. Nash, MD, MBA, Professor of Health Policy at Jefferson Medical College and Editor-in-Chief of AJMQ. Nash adds, “ICW’s capability to provide interoperability for multiple healthcare stakeholders and its intuitive inclusion of the consumer in that process is key for a better exchange of information in the health system." The AJMQ supplement presents a detailed analysis of PHRs, their evolution and usage in the European Union and other overseas markets, as well as the perspective of key opinion leaders in health information technology.

The special supplement is derived from discussions during ICW’s first meeting of its U.S. Advisory Board. The supplement is available from ICW free of charge (subject to available quantities).

For more information please contact:
InterComponentWare AG
Dirk Schuhmann
Otto-Hahn-Straße 3
69190 Walldorf, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)6227-385-133
Fax: +49 (0)6227-385-199


About InterComponentWare
InterComponentWare (ICW) is a leading international e-health provider with locations in Germany, the USA, Austria, Switzerland, and Bulgaria. It develops and markets components for networking the different players in the health care industry, among them the hardware connector Medical NTBA and the patient-focused personal health record LifeSensor, the technology leader in this field. As part of the German government-consulting consortium bIT4health, ICW has rendered important consulting services for the introduction of the electronic health card in Germany and is additionally involved in the Austrian eCard project. With its cooperation in national and international steering and work groups for the establishment of an eHealth infrastructure, ICW promotes the standardization aims in the health care industry.

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69190 Walldorf, England


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