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26/04-07   -   Press releases

Mondosoft Releases Ontolica Search for Microsoft’s MOSS 2007 Today

Mondosoft, a specialist in Enterprise Search and Behavior Analytics, today announced the release of Ontolica Search for MOSS 2007.
Ontolica Search provides consistent and extensive search across MOSS 2007 and WSS sites.

MOSS customers are itching to implement Ontolica Search, because they recognize the indispensability of full information access in knowledge management. To the satisfaction of the Mondosoft development team, the Ontolica MOSS Search suite has also caused a stir in the IT community.
Altogether, the enthusiastic response and the extensive testing makes Lead Developer Lars Fastrup feel confident about launching his baby:

"The Ontolica development team is thrilled to release the final version of Ontolica Search for MOSS 2007," says Lars Fastrup, who greatly appreciates all the feedback the developers have been receiving from customers and partners who have been testing the beta version for the past few months.

Ontolica generates worldwide interest
“The fact that the beta version has received a lot of attention in the market place has been a highly motivating factor for us, and we have every confidence that the final release will be as well received among MOSS customers as it has been by the IT community," predicts Lars Fastrup, referring to the massive amount of attention Ontolica Search has already received worldwide in blogs by SharePoint specialists and aficionados.
“A response like this makes it exciting to be an Ontolica developer, and we will enjoy our continued work on refining Ontolica Search," states Lars Fastrup.

Ontolica Search has been designed to be extremely configurable, so that all customers can tailor the web parts to suit their individual needs.
Ontolica Search of course includes all standard SharePoint search features, making it a simple decision of whether or not users would like to have the added functionalities to their MOSS search.

Ontolica Search includes:

- Consistent search across WSS and MOSS
- Federated search
- Drill Down
- Wildcard search (*)
- People search with Wildcard option
- Improved Boolean search (AND, OR, NOT)
- NEAR search

For a full feature list click here

Free downloads available for Ontolica’s MOSS search:
Free Wildcard Search and Free 30 DAY Ontolica Search Trial with full functionality for unlimited users and servers.

For more information about Ontolica Search:
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