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05/12-07   -   Press releases

Sick and Tired of your Partner´s Snoring?

Research conducted by The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association has found that the bed partners of snorers suffer sleep deprivation, excessive tiredness and poor physical and mental health.

Uninterrupted sleep is a prerequisite for good physiological and mental functioning but getting a good night’s sleep isn´t always easy. Sleep disturbance from nocturnal noise is common with an estimated 80-90% of nightly disturbance originating from inside the home; not least, from a snoring partner.

With snoring sounds reaching up to nearly 100dB, which is the equivalent to a jet aircraft, it’s little wonder that bed partners of snorers are complaining of sleep deprivation and poor health.

In an effort to determine if bed partners really are sick and tired of their snorer, The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association conducted a large-scale research project and found that 97% are, indeed, disturbed by the night-time noises emanating from their companion.

Further results proved even more astounding. A massive 100% of bed partners said they are either prevented from getting to sleep or are constantly woken during the night, with nearly three quarters experiencing both problems.

Two thirds of those who are disturbed by snoring claim to have just 3-5 hours sleep per night, which is well below the average 7-8 hours.

Research has found that exposure to the loud noise of snoring not only leads to sleep loss but results in high levels of stress-related health outcomes.

Overwhelmingly, 100% of bed partners of snorers in this study said they suffered adverse health conditions such as excessive tiredness, headache, gastrointestinal irritability, nausea and palpitations. In contrast, less than 25% of bed partners of non-snorers in a control group claimed to suffer these adverse health complaints.

More than three quarters of the bed partners said they thought that these health complaints would be relieved if the snoring stopped.

Marianne Davey, director, The British Snoring and Sleep Aponea Association says: "Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep – so snorers, spare a thought for your long suffering sleep-deprived partners and seek some help to stop."

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British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association
Castle Court , 41 London Road
Reigate RH2 9RJ, England

  01737 245638

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