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17/02-09   -   Press releases

MAGIX sees big potential for HD video editing

Due to remarkably lower prices for the new generation of HD cameras, the software developer MAGIX sees big potential for its video editing software, MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus. In spite of the difficult economic situation and the tense situation for competitors in the video editing industry, the company still asserts a high segment of the market in many European countries and hopes to expand on this. The successful sales of these new, price-reduced HD cameras (above all in the USA) is considered by MAGIX toindicate the increasing importance of high resolution for private users, too. MAGIX sees itself well-prepared: "It´s clear that hardware manufacturers are focusing on cheaper HD cameras. We´re pleased about this. We know that we are very well-positioned with our video editing products directly in the area of HD, and that we will also be able to match our customers´ high standards in the the future, too," states Senior Video Product Manager, Sven Kardelke. MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus is available for £59.99.

Advantages in the area of video editing: Innovative power

Due to the success of HD cameras in the lower price segment, MAGIX is aligning itself with the growing desire of users for full support with editing their high-resolution video material. The complete workflow for HD material is already offered by MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus: HD recordings can be imported directly, conveniently edited, and then exported in all conventional formats. Even owners of AVCHD cameras can import and edit their recordings directly without any laborious recalculation: Import AVCHD material, optimize it, burn it to Blu-rayTM, and enjoy it on TV.

In general, MAGIX will be moving ahead with its innovative power, even during the economic crisis, and the company looks forward to developing new functions and technologies. The most striking way to develop ideas and integrate innovative technologies as quickly and easily as possible into its products is consistently being enhanced by MAGIX and will continue over the years to come, especially in the area of video editing.

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  +49 (0) 3029392331

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