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14/04-09   -   Press releases

VXI* VoiceXML browser integrates Acapela voices.

I6NET has integrated Acapela High Quality speech synthesis to give the say to IVVR systems using VXI*, its VoiceXML browser designed for Asterisk, the Open Source PBX for call center platforms. VXI* is the first official, native integration between the Asterisk open source telephony engine and VoiceXML. Users can connect this software plugin to use Voip or TDM boards, and take part in the application defined interactive voice & video response (IVVR) systems.

The VXI* VoiceXML interpreter works directly with the Asterisk PBX software supported by Digium®. VXI* is fully compliant with the W3C’s VoiceXML 2.0+ specification and is integrated with automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) software to enable advanced voice and video solutions, and real-time video calling applications

‘Our approach for VXI* has always be to open our product to all speech technologies leader engines. Today we are very proud to work with Acapala Group, that provide a large number of languages and high-quality voices to speech empower IVR applications for our customers » says Iván Sixto, CEO of I6NET.

Acapela speech synthesis, which transforms any written text into highly natural speech, is ready to give the Say to I6NET customers in 25 languages and up to 50 voices.

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I6NET Solutions and Technologies, SL
Magallanes, 13
28015 Madrid, England


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