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24/04-09   -   Press releases

Synexus ‘Best-in-Class’ Solution Offers Unrivalled Control and Visibility of Clinical Trial Lifecycle

Synexus, the world’s largest multi-national company dedicated to the recruitment and running of clinical trials has selected IBM Cognos’ performance management solution. This will be delivered in partnership with IBM Cognos partner, EnterpriseBI Ltd and rolled out across Synexus Centres in the UK, Eastern Europe and South Africa.

The clinical trials industry has become one of the most complex and rapidly changing arenas in the healthcare market; the increasing complexity of studies, the rising awareness towards drug safety and an increasingly stringent regulatory environment have all contributed towards rising costs and have been key in mandating the quest for a new approach.

Synexus has been recognised as leading the revolution of the clinical trials industry via its innovative, centralised model. The introduction of this system is the next step in that journey and will provide Synexus with unrivalled control of the entire study lifecycle.

Clinical trials budgets run into hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore the importance of effective clinical trial management cannot be overestimated. Understanding and predicting the exact performance of a large phase III trial can be a daunting and challenging task. Systems previously available to the market follow the accrual method which has a number of limitations. Not least the lack of flexibility and forecasting enabling the entire enrolment picture to be modelled. The new system provides a consolidated view facilitating communication across all stakeholders.

Combined with the administrative burden the increasingly complex environment is having a further impact on human resource costs due to the regulatory authorities’ need for more data. For an industry which is already struggling with increasing costs this is an unwelcome burden.

The IBM solution which has been developed in partnership with Synexus has a number of far reaching benefits. The best-in-class solution will further differentiate the Synexus’ model as an example of innovation which adds significant value. Amongst other benefits the solution will enable Synexus to know whether it is forecasting sufficient patient numbers to meet study goals, whether patient are being enrolled fast enough to meet end points, which Centres are underperforming, whether there is adequate cost/performance balance and how much it will cost to get enrolment back on target.

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Synexus Clinical Research plc
Sandringham House, Ackhurst Park, Chorley
Lancashire PR7 1NY, England

  +44 (0)1257 230723

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