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09/09-09   -   Press releases

After VHS is finished: Quickly transfer your video to DVD with MAGIX

There are plenty of reasons why you should transfer your video to DVD: There is no loss in quality due to frequent playback, digital media has a longer life span than analogue formats plus there is the benefit of being able to edit your material at a later date with video editing software. Every owner of older videotapes should think about whether their memories will be able to be viewed in the future, since the Japanese company that invented the VHS recorder announced in 2008 after 32 years in production that it will no longer be producing VHS technology. "It´s nearly time for people to start digitizing their analog film archive," warns Senior Product Manager Video, Sven Kardelke. "Digitizing analog material requires playback with an analog device. The end of VCR production, however, means that soon these playback devices will no longer be available. Since time has had its effects on these devices, people should start considering how they will transfer their VHS treasures from video to DVD."

The fastest, easiest way to transfer from video to DVD

Software specialist MAGIX successful Rescue your Videotapes! package includes the components needed for quickly and easily digitizing older movie material:

- a USB video converter to connect the PC to the video recorder

- the Movies on DVD program for recording, editing, and burning the analog material

The video converter features a SCART connector and a USB plug for connecting a VCR to a PC. Once connected, the MAGIX software is started on the PC and pressing Record starts the process. Next, press Play on the VCR. The preview window in the program shows the analog material as it is being transferred to the PC. The rest is just waiting, and if you like, you can even watch the old material while you record it. Only MAGIX Rescue your Videotapes makes recording your video to DVD this convenient and fun.

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