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23/12-09   -   Press releases

I6NET: CNT Ecuador launches 116, the first voice portal for all its international calls traffic

Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones del Ecuador (CNT), ecuadorian national fixed line carrier has implemented an advanced 116 phone self-service base on large and scalable Voice Portal systems for all its international calls. The 116 is a dynamic IVR application with Speech Recognition to select the country, cities and ask for any local numbers. All the solution has been implemented by Interlancompu who makes the installation, developments, and platforms’ configuration base on VXI* VoiceXML browser from I6NET. The voice portal user interface has been designed and created using Eclispe VoiceXML generation tools, both Speech Synthesis (TTS) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) engines for spanish voices are provided by Verbio Technology.

The 116 number is able to use both DTMF or ASR with different kind of VoiceXML grammars. This smart voice application provides short-cuts to improve the user experience at different levels. Each set of dialog has been designed to be a friendly self-service without any human interaction. This service is able to check if the destination number is a correct number and ask for confirmation before making the call transfer.

With this implementation CNT aims a confidential, automatic, reliable and easy-to use customer phone self-service available 24 hours a day.

About CNT
Corporacion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT) is the leader national fixed-line Ecuadorian carrier that was formed by the merger of Pacifictel and Andinatel in November 2008. In addition, CNT also manages state-owned mobile operator Telecsa. | Landline Internet and Mobile Carrier

About I6NET
I6NET Solutions and Technologies is a company dedicated to research on telecommunications and Internet. We are advanced services experts in voice and video interactivity (IVR / IVVR) for the last evolution of telephony. | IVR Software Provider

About Interlancompu
InterlanCompu, founded in Ecuador, is an IT consulting house, specialising in interactive communication solutions connecting the Web, the telephone and information systems. | IT & Telecom Service Provider

About Verbio
Verbio Technologies S.L., based in Barcelona (Spain), is a company specialized in the development of speech technologies; voice synthesis and speech recognition. Designs, develops and markets VERBIO speech technology software products and offers the professional services associated to technical&maintenance support, consultancy and tuning of voice applications. | Speech Technologies Provider

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I6NET Solutions and Technologies
Magallanes, 13
28015 Madrid, England


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