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14/05-10   -   Press releases

Science expert reveals the mystery of time travel

School children will hear about some of the great mysteries of the universe from TV’s Professor Jim al-Khalili of the University of Surrey at a key event designed to promote physics to potential students. Professor Al-Khalili is well-known for promoting science through popular programmes such as ‘Bang goes the theory’ and ‘Chemistry: A Volatile History’ which has been nominated for a BAFTA award. He is presenting the key-note lecture on “Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines" via video conference at the event on May 17, run by the South East Physics Network (SEPnet).

An invited audience of GCSE Physics schoolchildren and their teachers from across the region will take part. Professor Al-Khalili a Professor of Physics and Professor of Public Engagement in Science at the University of Surrey will also take questions from the invited audience and talk about different careers available in physics.

He commented: “Enthusing GCSE science pupils about the wonders of modern physics is vital if we are to encourage them to pursue the subject at A-level and beyond. And nothing fires them up more than exploring what physics has to say about time travel."

SEPnet works to support physics in the region and the event is part of a national programme to encourage more schools to incorporate physics into their GCSE and A level curricula and increase the number of undergraduates studying physics.

Professor Sir Bill Wakeham, noted for his review of UK physics believes SEPnet Outreach is essential. “The review showed that physics A-level numbers had declined over the past fifteen years and, compared with other sciences, physics has a significantly lower number of female entrants. SEPnet Outreach events aim to challenge these trends, exposing bright young minds to talented inspirational physicists."

This event forms part of a wider programme of Physics outreach across the SEPnet consortium.
The SEPnet group is a consortium of six partner universities working together promote Physics as a strategically important subject for the UK economy and its science base in the South East Region of England. Universities of Kent, Oxford, Portsmouth, Queen Mary University of London, Royal Holloway University of London, Southampton, Surrey and Sussex, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire. Scientists from all over the South East will be sharing their research and news through the new video-conferencing facilities provided by SEPnet.

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The University of Surrey
Surrey, GU2 7XH, England

  +44 (0)1483 686141

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