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16/09-10   -   Press releases

Especially now transport tendering with TC eBid® makes sense

Düsseldorf 2010-09-10 – In the past few weeks there are substantially more freight offers than available vehicles on the European transport market, although things are beginning to pick up. In the near future, the gap between freight and vehicle offers will grow. Therefore the strategy must now be: Secure capacities for the future! TC eBid®, TimoCom´s online platform for European-wide transport tendering, is the ideal means.

As a result of the economic crisis many transport service providers were forced to drastically reduce their fleets. The resultant shortage of trucks is only noticed when more goods again need to be transported. Although there is currently no extreme bottleneck – the wise shipper plans ahead! Once recovery arrives, difficulties to dispatch truck loads will increase. That is why shippers from trade and industry should now tender their freight via TC eBid®.

Think about tomorrow today
According to the saying "with the best laid plans you are half way there", you can easily and efficiently secure tomorrow´s cargo space with the tendering platform. A transport order set today can start at any point in the future. This way contractors have maximum planning security. It doesn´t matter how scarce loading space becomes – TimoCom customers have long since feathered their own nest.

Simply efficient!
The tendering process is not only uncomplicated but also practical. Complicated tables, outdated address directories or protracted telephone calls are spared for those involved. The complete process is electronic and documented clearly and comprehensibly. TC eBid® is especially effective as potentially 30,000 transport service providers can be reached per tender across Europe. At the end of each tender, useful and easy to understand reports are created. This helps in the establishment of market price and provides a good basis for decision making and for the selection of service providers.

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TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
In der Steele 2
40599 Düsseldorf, England

  +49 211 88 26 22 03

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