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23/12-10   -   Press releases

If the truck driver is healthy, TimoCom is happy

The company supports DocStop to further humane working conditions for professional drivers

Since 2007, the DocStop initiative has been committed to improving medical care for bus and truck drivers. As partner for all those companies involved in the transport sector, TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH is from now also on board. With united powers the project which was launched in Germany is to be extended across Europe.
Over 85 percent of professional drivers complain about the deficit in medical assistance in their job - according to national research carried out by DocStop´s creator Rainer Bernickel. A dilemma, because a driver en route that suffers from an acute medical condition or becomes ill, can´t "just stop" and go to the doctor. That not only endangers his own health, but also general road safety. In order to counter this problem, the non-profit-organisation pulls out all the stops. Already 300 partners across Germany, such as clinics, hospitals and doctor´s practices, participate in the DocStop project. As women truck drivers are now increasingly common, gynaecologists also form part of this network of voluntary doctors. Foreign drivers, who are on German roads, are informed via the DocStop hotline in most European languages. The implementation of DocStop in other European countries is in full swing.

A full waiting room is a thing of the past for truck drivers.
This is how DocStop works: if a driver needs medical assistance while en route, he only has to call the HOTLINE +49 (0)1805 112 024, which operates via the ADAC Truck Service. He briefly mentions his symptoms, his location and direction, and is directly informed where the next parking space and DocStop partner are located. There the driver will receive prompt and preferential treatment. Rainer Bernickel, DocStop´s founder and former police chief inspector with decades of motorway experience, is delighted about the cooperation with TimoCom: "The fast and uncomplicated help from TimoCom is just right. Soon, we will be using this support to establish DocStop in Poland, Denmark and Italy."

Marcel Frings, TimoCom´s Chief Representative, is also enthusiastic about the project: "TimoCom puts countless trucks on the road with the freight and vehicle exchange TC Truck&Cargo®. By supporting DocStop, we contribute to keeping the users of our online platforms healthy and safely on the road. We totally support this practical initiative. As an internationally operating company, we would of course like to support this long term."

Apart from DocStop, TimoCom supports a variety of environmental and social projects. Among other projects, the company currently participates in "Raus aus dem Toten Winkel“ which explains the dangers of traffic to primary school children across Germany. The IT service provider has integrated the concept of sustainability firmly into its corporate strategy and will continue to consolidate this in the future.

Press contacts


TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
In der Steele 2
40599 Düsseldorf, England

  +49 211 88 26 69 13

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