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22/02-11   -   Press releases

Icecat data-sheets enriched with expert reviews Testseek and TestSeek are launching a partnership that brings aggregated expert reviews to Icecat’s open catalogue. With this move the online channnel can display Icecat data-sheet with TestSeek’s expert reviews to increase conversion rates and customer loyalty.

As a response to the online channel’s request, the Open Icecat catalogue is enriched with expert reviews from TestSeek to take a step further in the improvement of product content. The expert reviews are a valuable addition to the the existing Icecat multi-lingual data-sheets with specs, photo galleries, x-sell relations, PDFs and multimedia.

"We noticed a strong interest from channel partners to add product ratings and reviews to the product information on their websites, as it´s helping consumers to decide what product to buy and thus improving conversion rates. By comparison, we concluded that Testseek is a world-class provider of such product ratings and reviews, willing to co-opt our open content philosophy", says Martijn Hoogeveen CEO of Icecat.

“I am very excited to launch this partnership with ICEcat because it is our first big step towards bringing expert reviews to webshops all over the world. Expert reviews and awards are extremely requested by online shoppers. They can convince a webshop visitor to push that buy button like nothing else", says Fredrik Engdahl, CEO of TestSeek.

TestSeek Expert Review Channel (TERC™) helps online retailers and manufacturers to turn their visitors into customers by displaying expert reviews and awards from trusted sources. Open Icecat is the worldwide unique free and open catalogue in co-operation with 250 tech brands.

About TestSeek
TestSeek is an expert review aggregator and is independent from manufacturers, review publications and merchants. TestSeek aggregates review data in real time from thousands of trusted online publications in more than 25 languages.

About ICEcat NV
Icecat NV is an independent worldwide provider of product content and market intelligence, part of the iMerge BV ecommerce group. Today, Icecat has more than 1 million product data-sheets of more than 5,000 brands, extensively described in 30 world languages. The data-sheets are used worldwide in more than 13.000 websites: online shops, ERP systems, comparison sites, purchase systems and other applications.
Open Icecat is an open catalog project on the basis of the Open Content License Agreement by which product content from over 250 top technology brands are distributed for free (see:

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