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24/02-11   -   Press releases

The IT service provider is committed to the environment

Everything’s green at TimoCom

Green energy, use of energy-efficient technology and sponsoring environmental projects: TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH, provider of web based transport placement platforms, takes environmental protection seriously and strengthens its commitment under the slogan "Green we can" Not only the environment and companies benefit from the numerous activities but also customers, who receive an eco-label for helping avoiding empty running.
Admitted: sustainability is a term which is currently omnipresent in the media and advertising. It is also true, however, that this issue is one of the 21st century´s main challenges - which TimoCom is also facing. From the beginning, the IT service provider has combined environmental protection and responsible conduct with business. „Sustainability has always been one of TimoCom´s main pillars", says the company´s Chief Representative Marcel Frings, "by nature, our products contribute to efficient work, thus conserving resources.“ TC Truck&Cargo® alone provides up to 300,000 freight and vehicle offers daily which means thousands of empty runs are avoided, eliminating unnecessary pollution and the emission of CO2.

Good for business, good for the environment.
An important focus is conscious energy consumption. Through specific measures to increase efficiency, the energy consumption of the entire IT infrastructure was reduced by an impres-sive 40%. In addition, all the electricity used in the Düsseldorf headquarters is 100% hydro-power. CO2 savings per year: almost 400 tons.
Even small changes in consumption habits can make a great difference, according to Frings: „We already decided years ago to only receive faxes by computer. We use recycled paper for all our correspondence which is sent across Europe using CO2-neutral".
For the next few years, TimoCom will provide financial support for the project "Lebendige Rhein", whose objective is to restore a tributary of the Rhine of 2.5 kilometres long. This project is carried out by the German environment association NABU, committed to protect the biodiversity.

Each TimoCom customer receives a seal for sustainable management.
A positive side effect of being "green" is the cost savings. "Of course, economic factors also play a role",says Frings: „investment in a modern and energy saving data centre is good for the environment but is also profitable because of the increase in cost efficiency. Sustainability is therefore a requisite for business success." More and more logistics service providers are discovering that "green logistics" is an important competitive factor for the company. It is now possible for customers to get an eco-label for free on our website. This can be used, for example, in their corporate communications. This way, customers can see that their partner is not only reliable in logistics but also for the environment.

To further sustainable thinking in the minds of the employees, those involved must be con-vinced. Each individual should be encouraged, through environmental workshops and ideas contests, to suggest improvements. In the long term, a culture in which everyone feels responsible for protecting the environment should be developed. To lend the project addi-tional symbolic weight, the managing board has given each employee a heart-shaped plant.
For those involved, environmental protection is more than a romance or a fad to make themselves known. Frings: "As leader among the freight exchanges, we aim to play an important role in sustainability". It´s a rosy outlook for green logistics.

You can find further information about TimoCom at

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TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
In der Steele 2
40599 Düsseldorf, England

  +49 49 211 88 26 69 13

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