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09/03-11   -   Press releases

Napatech announces 40G network adapter

Napatech today announced the introduction of the world’s first 40 Gbps Ethernet adapter for network monitoring and analysis. The NT40E2-1 intelligent network adapter provides a single QSFP-based 40 GbE port and can be used for both packet capture and transmission.

The NT40E2-1 is one of the very first 40 GbE network adapters on the market, but in contrast to other vendors, Napatech focuses exclusively on the needs of network appliance vendors for full packet capture and transmission with zero packet loss.

“The challenges of network monitoring and analysis at 40 Gbps are substantial and dedicated network adapter hardware help ensure appliances can keep up", stated Seamus Crehan, President, Crehan Research. “These types of products were early adopters of 10 GbE network adapters and will likely derive a lot of value from 40 GbE adapters".

Intelligent features are provided in the NT40E2-1 for frame decoding, intelligent flow detection and distribution to up to 32 CPU cores, which can off-load and accelerate the performance of network appliances. Nanosecond precision time-stamping and time synchronization are also provided for highly accurate latency measurements.

“With the NT40E2-1, we can offer the same Capture and In-line feature sets that we offer on our existing network adapters allowing plug-and-play capability", stated Henrik Brill Jensen, CEO, Napatech. “Our OEM customers can re-use their existing application software and upgrade their system to support 40 GbE immediately. For new customers supporting libPCAP, integration can be performed in a matter of hours".

The NT40E2-1 network adapter product will be demonstrated at the Interop Las Vegas conference from the 8th to the 12th of May on Napatech’s booth (#1781). The NT40E2-1 will be generally available in Q2 2011.

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