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05/02-13   -   Press releases

New app boosts personal development

Innovative application makes coaching mobile. With MobilCoach for iPhones, iPads and Android, you can test yourself, receive motivating pep talks and be inspired to further develop and achieve a better quality of life, anytime anywhere.

A new coaching app, the first of its kind, personally introduces you to coaching and how to apply it in your daily life “We have developed the app so that more people can experience coaching as a tool to develop themselves and achieve a greater quality of life. Many people are capable of much more than they think, and coaching is a fantastic tool to get the most out of life and be the best you can be. Coaching works on the current challenges in your life, and by using a solution-based process you find your way towards your own skills and how to use them," says founder Christian Markedal.

Take your life’s temperature
Christian developed the new MobilCoach together with creative IT entrepreneur Thomas Christoffersen and Diana Lindegaard, a professional coach, mentor, blogger, writer, presenter and founder of Lindegaard Coaching.
“The app is the first of its kind on the market, which brings coaching to a mobile platform. MobilCoach is your very own personal coach, which you can take with you in your pocket and consult as required," says Diana Lindegaard.
She helped develop the app to increase people’s quality of life and sharpen their focus on what really matters.
“It’s about being clear about who you are and where you are. A test helps you check your life’s temperature, and achieve greater awareness of important life choices and priorities," explains Diana Lindegaard.

Coaching 24/7
MobilCoach can be used any time and in all situations. It motivates, supports and challenges important areas of your life. Start by testing your current life status in one or more areas:

* Love
* Relationships
* Career
* Health
* Finance
* Leisure
* Activities
* Passion

By answering a number of questions, you have the opportunity to think, achieve greater clarity over your life and reflect on life’s big questions and the direction it is taking.

Not a replacement for a real coach
The next step is deeper coaching in the form of a series of open questions. You can also join the “Pep talk" – a module that gives you an optional number of daily, weekly or monthly motivational statements.
MobilCoach is a tool to help you progress in life, whether your concern is your career or private life. However, the app cannot replace a consultation from a proper coach. MobilCoach should be seen as a help towards self-help - a spring board for addressing the challenges in your life.

Mobile Coach is available right now for the iPhone or iPad and an Android version is on the way.

For more information contact:

Diana Lindegaard
+45 22 19 10 32

Christian Markedal
+45 28 25 10 16

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Vester Voldgade 104
1552 Copenhagen V, England

  +45 22 19 10 32

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