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10/04-14   -   Press releases

Autumn wine and food tours from BKWine Tours: Bordeaux and the Douro Valley

BKWine recently presented its program for the autumn wine and food tours for 2014. BKWine is a world leading tour operator specialised in wine, food and gourmet travel. The autumn program includes two tours to classic wine regions: Bordeaux and the Douro Valley in Portugal. The full programs are available on

The first tour on the autumn wine tour program is a tour to the classic wine region of Bordeaux at the end of September. It includes three days of winery visits and several gourmet meals. Britt Karlsson, co-founder of BKWine, comments: "With the Bordeaux tour we aim to give our guests an inside view of the wine scene. We take the traveller both to some of the elegant and grandiose properties as well as to family owned entrepreneurial wineries."

Britt continues explaining what makes all BKWine tours different: "We select the wineries to visit very carefully. We choose to focus on the most interesting and quality conscious wineries, with very personal visits, instead of simply the most famous "brand names" (that some others focus on). We personally visit some 300 wineries each year. That is more than most people in the wine business, so we have a unique possibility to select the best winery visits."

The second wine tour on the program is to the Douro Valley in northern Portugal. The Douro has one of the wine world's most spectacular landscapes. It is famous for its port wines but today the production of world-class "table" wines, both red and white, is almost more important. Britt describes the Douro Valley wine tour like this: "The Douro surprises even the traveller who has visited many other wine regions: the frighteningly steep vineyard slopes that plunge into the river and the delicious wines. It also has a unique Portuguese gastronomy. It never fails to impress the visitor".

The BKWine wine tours extend over three days of winery visits. The guests arrive on the Wednesday and depart on the Sunday. A perfect long week-end or combined with a few additional days it turns into a week's vacation. All tours are guided by a professional wine guide, often Britt herself, who has won many awards in the world of wine. The tours usually include ten winery visits as well as top-quality gourmet meals.

All tours and detailed programmes can be found on

BKWine is a tour operator specialised in top quality wine tours and gourmet tours. BKWine tours have been named "world's top wine tours" by Travel + Leisure Magazine. Each year BKWine organises around 30 wine tours, both custom designed for private parties and scheduled.

Press photos

- Press photos can be found on:
- Password to download high resolution images: [contact BKWine]
- License: Press photos are free to use in connection with text about BKWine wine tours. All other use requires separate written agreement.

Also on A vast variety of photos are available on request. BKWine has one of the world's biggest photo archives specialised in wine and wine travel:


BKWine AB is run by Britt and Per Karlsson, of Swedish origin. There are four main activities:
- Wine & food tours
- Wine journalism
- Wine photography, wine stock image library:
- Wine consulting

BKWine is active in several wine related fields. The main business is organising wine tours for wine enthusiasts and wine professionals who want to visit wine regions to learn more about wine. Each year BKWine organises some 30 wine tours. The wine tours have been named World's Top Wine Tours by Travel + Leisure. BKWine has written and published several wine books that have won national and international awards. BKWine also publishes an online newsletter on wine, The BKWine Brief, which reaches some 20,000 subscribers. Britt and Per are members of the British Circle of Wine Writers (CWW), the International Wine Writers Federation (FIJEV), the French Wine Press Association (APV), the International Wine and Food Society (IWFS) and several other wine and gastronomic organisations.

Press contacts

Britt Karlsson
  +33 680 453 570


51 rue du Chevalier de la Barre
92130 Issy les Moulineaux, England


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