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21/05-15   -   Press releases

Dyslexic research breakthrough - your brain turns180 degrees in 6 month and leave your blocking behind

Dyslexic studens are flying STT (Speak To Text) - TTE (Text to eye) - TTS (Text to voice) after 6 months of testing using a new learning method developed by Flemming Ast - Dyslexic.

After 40 years of observations of a large number of Dyslexic citizens some studens moved faster than others.

After interviewing many I discovered that the use of STT to TTE to TTS enables the Dyslexic to handle blocking's better and leaving these blocking behind.

The learning curve is very high and the Dyslexic is able to handle a lot more tasks than before.

I sat on this information until a Brain Researcher from the University of Aarhus in Denmark confirmed that that brain uses 6 month to change a learning method.

We never met the Brain Researcher or I.

It seems possible to turn the brain upside down without turning the blocking's upside down. In other words we both stroke a new Turnpike - somehow.

I just wished to share this result with you all.

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Flemming Ast
  +45 22 15 45 79


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  +45 22 15 45 79

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